"Hello World!!"
I am Saima Anis
A #{Software Developer},based in Sydney Australia
A Full-stack Developer with knowledge of
I build websites and I am in search of an amazing team to work with!!
I build websites and I am in search of an amazing team to work with!!
My Work

The game is played on a 3x3 grid.
1-One player marks with symbol X on a number, the other player with symbol O.
2-Players take turns to input a no. between (1-9) to mark one of the empty squares.
3-The first player to get 3 marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
4-If none of the players win and all 9 squares are filled the game is a draw
1-One player marks with symbol X on a number, the other player with symbol O.
2-Players take turns to input a no. between (1-9) to mark one of the empty squares.
3-The first player to get 3 marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
4-If none of the players win and all 9 squares are filled the game is a draw

Covid-19 Latest Stats Scraper
A website scraper which collects data regarding the latest stats on Covid-19 deaths, from the website Worldometer and saves it in a csv file.
This project includes the following features:
1-Scrapes the Worldometer Website
2-Collects the latest data on the Covid-19 death toll
3-Displays the data categorically in a CSV file
This project includes the following features:
1-Scrapes the Worldometer Website
2-Collects the latest data on the Covid-19 death toll
3-Displays the data categorically in a CSV file